So it looks like I am going back to school to get another BA. I am actually in the process of applying right now or rather I should be. I should be writing my essays but instead I am taking advantage of the internet at the bar across the street. I think I am going to major in art business so i'll be taking classes like art gallery management and such. It should be interesting and it should tie in well with my other degree. Its kinda weird applying for college again and so much nicer this time around. I don't have to take SATs or ACTs and I just have to fill out a simple form and write two essays. One will be pretty damn easy since its about my passions in life. I am going to write about traveling of course and that will tie in easily with going to a university in Rome so no worries there. The other one is about what I hope to get out of a university experience but since I already went to a university that one should be interesting to write. I already have experience. Maybe i'll just compare and contrast them who knows? I just need to have them written by sunday. I didn't think I would actually go through with it but now that I am doing it I am pretty excited.
I am excited because that means at least another year and a half in Rome too. I am absolutely loving fall here. Today is absolutely gorgeous, sunny and warm and then other days its rainy and cold and its quintessential fall weather. The rain is so nice in the city, it washes everything away and makes the city clean and new again. Plus italian food works much better with colder weather especially with all the heavy pasta dishes. When it was warm you could never order pasta it was waaayyyy too hot but now its perfect. I am using the weather as my excuse to eat as much pasta as I want.